









1 乾繭(かんけん)

2 選繭(せんけん)

3 煮繭(しゃけん)

4 索緒(さくちょ)

5 抄緒(しょうちょ)

6 給繭(きゅうけん)

7 セットアップ

8 繰糸(そうし)

9 揚げ返し

10 束装(そくそう)

Usui Raw Silk

The Usui Raw Silk Factory sits on the banks of the Usui River, with scenic views of Mt. Myogi nearby. It is the largest active automated silk-reeling factory in Japan, and the only one in Gunma Prefecture. It has been producing raw silk for more than 60 years, since the Usui Raw Silk Manufacturing Agricultural Cooperative Association was founded in 1959 to keep the local factory in business.

The machines used for each step of raw silk extraction are rare and precious. In most cases, neither machines nor parts are replaceable, so the factory treats its equipment with utmost care. When there are issues with machinery, the staff can usually perform emergency repairs.

The factory restructured as a for-profit corporation in 2017, due to dwindling membership in the co-op. This fresh start was supported by financing from the prefecture and the local towns of Annaka and Tomioka. The high-quality silk that Usui Raw Silk produces is 100% Japanese in line with the jun-kokusan* standard.  In addition to traditional raw silk filament, Usui also experiments with innovative products that utilize silk’s practical functionality. The company strives to preserve this production hub of precious, domestically produced silk.

*Jun-kokusan refers to products made in Japan out of raw silk produced in Japan. This is a step further than kokusan, used for products manufactured in Japan out of silk that has been imported.

Production Process

1 Kanken: Drying the Cocoons
The silk cocoons are dried with hot air in order to make sure the pupae inside the cocoons do not emerge. The cocoons are then stored.

2 Senken: Cocoon Selection
Cocoons are placed on a conveyor belt lit from underneath, and veteran silk-reelers inspect them for imperfections: broken or dirty cocoons, double-pupa cocoons, etc. Anything that does not pass this careful visual inspection is swiftly removed.

3 Shaken: Boiling the Cocoons
Cocoons are boiled in water for 20 minutes to make them soft and easy to unravel. At Usui Raw Silk, this boiling is performed in stages, with the cocoons passing through several chambers: high-temperature, low-temperature, steaming, etc.

4 Sakucho: Brushing
The act of finding the end of a silk filament is called sakucho (cocoon brushing). A bamboo brush attached to the brushing machine rotates against the surface of the cocoons and pulls out the thread ends it snags.

5 Shocho: Extracting Individual Filaments
A single strand is selected from each cocoon.

6 Kyuken: Cocoon Loading
Cocoons flow into the cocoon loading machine, each with one filament end hanging out of it. Still submerged in water, cocoons are moved to the automatic silk reeling machine.

7 Setup
Filaments are guided by hand through the course that leads to the reel. The nimble movements of the silk-reelers’ hands as they set the fine threads into the machine is a brilliant sight to behold.

8 Soshi: Reeling
Some filaments have joints and gnarls that could cause imperfections during dyeing and weaving later down the line. The automatic reeling machine detects these gnarls by sensing changes in tension, and pauses reeling in response. When the reel stops spinning, a worker will tear out the gnarl and reset the filament. The reeling machine also senses filaments that are too thin, and automatically adds strands to compensate.

9 Age-kaeshi: Re-reeling
After the small reels have been wound, the filament threads are rewound onto bigger reels with a circumference of 150 cm, drying along the way. If any gnarls make it through the first reeling, they are removed here.

10 Sokuso: Bundling the Skeins
The skeins of dry silk are removed from the big reels and twisted once so they don’t tangle. Then they are bundled with a special compression device, to prevent damage during handling and transport.

映像制作:岡本 憲昭
インタビュー/解説:岩井 光子